Behind the scenes at Edith Élan’s return to NYC bridal market.

This post was updated as of July 27, 2021.
A year ago almost to the day, the world was introduced to the Edith Élan name at New York Bridal Fashion Week 2015 (aka New York Bridal Market). We were green fashion designers taking the “big plunge” exhibiting at our first bridal industry event. In the span of 5 days, we learned a lot about how these events work. (To read about EÉ’s bridal market debut, head over here.)
This year with a new collection in tow plus styles that continued from our previous collection one thing was for sure: it was time for a booth upgrade! Gone were the days of a 10′ x 10′ space. But before the work on the booth could start, we had to get there first.

Day 1: All “Roads” Lead to NY Bridal Fashion Week
Like last year, Gretchen drove to NYC with her mom, the gowns, and other supplies we would need for our booth. I, Lourdes, was coming from Connecticut so I took the train. We planned to arrive Thursday before the show started. That way we could use the first day to run around Manhattan getting the last few things we needed and drop off our stuff for the booth at Pier 94.
Since I got in a couple of hours earlier than G, I did some erranding on my own…and some sightseeing along the way. I mean, it’s not every day I’m in NYC! As our meeting time at The Piers drew near, I headed back to Penn Station to get the bags I’d checked while I ran around. I got my things, hopped in a cab (not before getting yelled at by the taxi line attendant…oops), and headed to Pier 94. It was perfect timing! G and her mom were getting out of the car as I was pulling up.
But now it was whirlwind time. We checked in and got our badges. We unloaded the car, ran to Target for some last-minute supplies, made another drop at Pier 94, and finally battled our way north in NYC afternoon rush-hour traffic for 120 blocks to our Airbnb. I forgot to mention, this was our third Airbnb after our first two canceled on us the week of the show. No stress, no, none whatsoever… ugh. Despite the small setbacks, the stars aligned for us that evening because we found an overnight parking spot right in front of our Airbnb. Woohoo! It was time to relax with dinner and drinks at Coogan’s Restaurant. (If you decide to go, bring your appetite – the portions are filling and delicious!)

Day 2: Getting the Booth Ready
Friday was a full day of prep. It was also the day before the start of the show. We got up early to find a weekend parking space for the car and then got straight to setting up our booth. Five hours later, dresses were ready, marketing materials were in place, and our mini-boutique was ready for buyers.
Late in the afternoon, we had an appointment with a fabric rep to look at all things pretty and sparkly for our 2018 collection. So, off we went. By the time we were done with the appointment, all we wanted to do was head back up to Washington Heights. We were exhausted. We headed for the subway with a tiny detour through Times Square.

Days 3-4: It’s NY Bridal Market Show Time!
Saturday was the first day of market at The Piers. And boy, did it start with some excitement even before we got downtown. We had an unexpected guest staying with us. G named him Mr. Mousie Bro. G did the hard work as I looked on with what I can only assume was a look of disgust. Don’t worry, we let him go outside. I did dance and squeal as he ran past me to make his escape. We’ll miss you, Mr. Mousie Bro! …but probably not.
Like we explained in last year’s post, NY Bridal Fashion Week is a week-long event with runway shows at the beginning and market days at the end. Bridal market at The Piers ran from Sunday to Monday and was open from 9am – 6pm except for Monday, which ended an hour earlier. Those were some long days on our feet. Thank goodness for ibuprofen and our friendors (aka friends that are vendors) to get us through.
Sunday night, G, her mom, my husband (who made his first trip to NYC), and our fave gals from Pure Magnolia got together for some post-show cocktails at Tanner Smith’s. Delicious!!! After drinks, the EÉ party headed to Guantanamera. As the food coma set in, we headed back up to our place.

Day 5: Wrapping up Bridal Fashion Week
Monday at 5 pm was bittersweet. This year’s bridal market was another great learning and networking experience. At the same time, it was a year’s worth of work over and done in (what felt like) the blink of an eye. By 6 pm, the EÉ dream team (myself, G, her mom, and my hubby) got the booth broken down and the car packed like a boss!
We said our goodbyes. The hubby and I headed to Penn Station for the train ride home while G and her mom started the drive back to Chicago. We won’t be seeing NYC again for another year, but who knows where EÉ will go in the meantime. London? What I do know is that this Navy wife is gearing up for another move in less than two weeks.
See you next October, NY

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Events, The Inside Scoop, Travel